Month: April 2022


My final word on Batavia is a series of answers to questions. After this, I will say nothing more about this situation. Our future is too bright. We are not going to slow the locomotive to throw rocks at the barking dogs. I am answering these questions for honest hearts.
Do I have a habit of cancelling crusades? I have only cancelled two crusades in 54 years of preaching. It is an extremely rare and drastic thing for me to do. Cancellations are very disruptive. That is why there has to be a very compelling reason for me to cancel—so compelling that, as I said, I have only done this once before.
Was I committed to Western New York? Last August I was deathly ill. Instead of cancelling my brunch with pastors I rode in a car 13 hours to keep my commitment. I had to drive because the airlines would not let me fly. My dear wife was terrified for two days wondering if I would make it back. Upon my return, after driving another 13 hours, I was immediately hospitalized. Glory to God! Jesus had mercy on me and healed me in the hospital. I find it insulting and sadly hilarious to hear accusations that I have “cut and run” from this crusade.

Last August I was deathly ill. Instead of cancelling my brunch with pastors I rode in a car 13 hours to keep my commitment.

Did I cancel because they won’t let me mention Trump? This cancellation has nothing to do with Trump. Our enemies oppose what is happening in our meetings. Trump is just the excuse. Why would I risk my life and then cancel just because pastors don’t like Trump. And, does anyone believe I would hold back anything God tells me to preach simply because of “woke” pastors?
I will repeat what I said before. I am not the one talking about Trump they are. The rule for these ministers is not that you cannot talk about Trump. You can say all you want about him so as long as it is bad.
What then is the reason I have cancelled this crusade? Martin Luther King Jr. said “in the end, it is not the words of our enemies that we will remember but the silence of our friends.”

Martin Luther King Jr. said “in the end, it is not the words of our enemies that we will remember but the silence of our friends.”

This crusade ended because of the silence of our friends. Do not blame me or my wonderful team for all the inconvenience you have experienced. It was the silence of our friends.
Where were our friends? I can understand the “woke” pastors and their hare-brained theology. I do not understand why any of our friends would listen to them and let them to cool their zeal.
I can understand there were computer glitches but certainly not enough to drop volunteer numbers this low.
I can understand how a hireling preacher could attend the glorious meetings we had last October and leave unmoved and indifferent. What I cannot understand is our friends who saw the fire, the glory and the harvest last October. Why wouldn’t they work even harder this time around?
This time around there should have been a flood of volunteers. The silence was devastating to me. But my broken heart was still not the reason I felt the leading to cancel. Now I will tell you the reason.
The last 4 weeks before a crusade are when lost souls make their decision to come to the tent. Consider the fact that in Hanford CA we had 1,200 volunteers but in Batavia we had 290 volunteers. This after a brunch with almost 1,000 leaders.

I pray you will go back and be the fiery army I remember. Who knows what God still has for us all.

My staff would have had to handle massive altar calls virtually alone. It would have been chaotic and even dangerous to have such little security, few parking attendants, intercessors, and altar workers.
The stupidity oozing out of “woke” pulpits is something I will soon forget. The false accusations from leftist Christians will fade in my memory very quickly. What will hurt, and haunt me for a long time, is the silence of my friends in Western New York.
My deep hope is that this letter will provoke you to rise up and rally against the religious spirit that is rampant in your region. I pray you will go back and be the fiery army I remember. Who knows what God still has for us all.





The post MY FINAL WORD ABOUT BATAVIA appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


I told you yesterday that we would make dramatic changes. I said that one of the changes would require us to cancel events. That is why I am announcing that I am canceling our crusade in Batavia, New York.
This is very surprising, because Batavia is the crusade that drew thousands during rainstorms. It was a remarkable event where hundreds came to the altar and God healed many.
But upon our returning to this region, we are facing pastors and leaders who oppose me because I support Trump. I do not talk about him a lot. I preach the Gospel and healing. But it is not wrong to mention him in the pulpit.
I was asked to speak in a local Bible College. After I agreed to speak to the students, the college president called me and cancelled my appearance.

We are facing pastors and leaders who oppose me because I support Trump.

Then at a pastor’s meeting the leader said, “We all know that Mario goes too far mentioning politics.” The shocking part is the guy who said this was leading that meeting in order to drum up support for the crusade. (With friends like this…).
Then one of them told me not to mention Trump in Batavia. The funny part is that Trump is mentioned all the time by Christian leaders who are against him. It seems you can talk all you want about Trump as long as it is to say something bad about him.
We see this in many cities, and we ignore it because it does not hinder the momentum of the tent crusade. This time we feel the hindrance. This time it has affected the crusade.
Ironically, many of the most outspoken critics claim to be going after revival. They say they are praying for revival. They saw four nights of fire, glory, miracles, and record salvations—in the rain. The answer was right before their eyes, but they rejected it. Because I mentioned Trump.

The answer was right before their eyes, but they rejected it. Because I mentioned Trump.

But the greatest shock came after we held a brunch for pastors and leaders, on Saturday, April 9th. This was the fieriest gathering of leaders we’ve ever had. I went away convinced that they had declared war on the devil’s agenda. But it never translated into workers and volunteers. The lion’s roar turned into a whimper.
The meetings are only weeks away, and we are still sadly lacking in counsellors, ushers, and workers. Never have I seen a group of people with more promise—who should have given wide and zealous support—fall so strangely quiet.

This is a controversial letter and it will probably cause a stir. But just maybe, it will ignite the firestorm that is long overdue for this region.

Maybe I am reading this situation wrong. Maybe the army is out there. Perhaps they agree with me about wokeness in the church. What if there is a massive number of on-fire believers in Western New York? If so, they have a strange way of showing it.
But the most compelling reason for this cancellation is the voracious demand we are receiving daily for us to come to city after city. How can we justify trying to persuade a reluctant army, when so many places are begging us to come—places that are unified and unanimous in their support for our cause?
This is a controversial letter and it will probably cause a stir. But just maybe, it will ignite the firestorm that is long overdue for this region.

The post WHY I AM CANCELING THE CRUSADE IN BATAVIA NEW YORK appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


The meetings in Tulsa were too good. They forced us to make radical changes and decisions we thought were still years away.

It’s Friday Night, April 22, Tulsa Oklahoma:

The miracle crusade in the Mabee Center launched us into a totally new experience. The meeting was actually too good.

The line for admission began forming at 10:30 a.m. The doors opened two hours early.

The main auditorium was filled in 15 minutes. Then overflow rooms filled—one after another.

The total attendance reached 12,000. Then people were turned away.

They tell me that in two nights over 3,000 people came forward to surrender to Jesus.

They tell me that in two nights over 3,000 people came forward to surrender to Jesus. Only God knows the true number of souls saved.

The healings came in such abundance that we have no way of even estimating how many were healed.

How can a meeting be too good? It was too good for us to go on with business as usual. The shocking harvest of souls and unforeseen abundance of healings have forced me to make some radical decisions.

We are now overwhelmed with invitations to cities across America. These are desperate invitations. They are big invitations.

That means we cannot justify working in a city where we have to persuade churches to work together. Not while other cities are begging us to come and have joined forces because they burn with a passion to win souls.

It also means that we cannot do a conference where they want teaching, but are not willing to go and get the harvest.

This also means something else that is big and new. Some of the open doors will require a bigger venue than our tent. We now know that God is ready to fill arenas—and, even more than arenas.

Here are the words of Jesus, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35).


We assumed that the results that have fallen on us would not come for years. And yet, here they are.

We have been planning based on what we have seen in the past. We assumed that the results that have fallen on us would not come for years. And yet, here they are. They are forcing us to throw our plans aside and make way for a massive harvest. What does it mean? It means the future is now.

But why has this happened at this time? It has happened because America is in dire straits. Our nation teeters on the edge of total disaster. God is pulling out all of the stops to harvest lost souls and heal sick bodies. We dare not get in His way!

The biggest implication of this event in Tulsa is radical change. The clear message here is “don’t wait.”

For the next few days, I will be deep in prayer. I am already aware that some of my decisions will offend some people…maybe even those are near and dear to me. But I must pay the price, because Tulsa was just too good for us to hold back now.

You will be hearing my decisions in the next few days.



The post WHEN A CRUSADE IS ACTUALLY TOO GOOD appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


We will win more souls to Jesus in the next month, than we have ever won in any 30-day period. We will also see more healings. This will be the greatest month in the 50-year history of our ministry.

I will not be surprised if God rocks the medical community. I will go even one step further. This month will be the greatest impact our ministry has ever had on America.

How can we possibly make this claim? Is this sensationalism? Are we making a hollow promise?

No, we are not. We are saying all of this with total conviction. There is not one drop of exaggeration here. Just wait and see.

Why are we so sure?

We discovered something earthshaking. It did not come through a prophetic word. The message from God that inflames us at this moment, came directly from the Bible. We rely, as always, on the Word of God for our marching orders.


How can we possibly make this claim? Is this sensationalism? Are we making a hollow promise?

Satan is flooding America with evil. Men and women of God are supposed to do something when this happens. They are not supposed to take the passive approach and say, “Well it’s all in God’s hands.” Especially when God has so clearly placed it in our hands to pray and obey.

The idea that we should wait for a special prophecy, feeling, mood or “more opportune time” is hogwash. David said about Goliath, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

Who do these devils think they are? Do they think they can pull America into an abyss of depravity?

It is the first duty of any vessel of God to cry out to God for power and direction in the midst of darkness. God is shocked when we don’t! Ezekiel 30:22 says, “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”

I was gripped by Peter’s action when the church was threatened. He did not ask whether or not he should do something about the threat. He knew he had to do something. He asked for boldness and miracles.  “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29,30).

The idea that we should wait for a special prophecy, feeling, mood or “more opportune time” is hogwash.

We not only heard from God we obeyed His explicit directions. We set up three events. They stretch from coast to coast. From west to east, we will be in three highly strategic locations: In Pasadena in the Ambassador Auditorium; then you will find us in Tulsa at the Mabee Center; and in Batavia, New York, our new tent will sit on 20 acres.

Everything about these three events is explosive. I am returning to Pasadena with massive unfinished business. We had rallies there where blind eyes opened and cancers vanished. Then we were thrown out because the crowds got too big. We are going back. This time God said no one will stop us. It is His time to restore our breakthrough in Southern California.

We already have 12,000 people registered for the Mabee Center on the ORU campus. Don’t be discouraged—we will find a way for you to be in that miracle service.

Batavia, New York may be the most explosive of all. We are placing our new tent on 20 acres of land. There will be miracles like this ministry has never seen before.

Everything about these three events is explosive.

Is it right to tell you what we believe will happen these next 30 days? Consider what young David said to Goliath: “Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel” (1 Samuel 17:45, 46).

In that same spirit I am declaring that demonic power has oppressed America for far too long. For too long evil and perversion has gone unchallenged. Therefore, we are declaring what David declared. We will strike evil and take off its head!

But something truly astounding is going to happen in the meetings themselves. Something you should not miss or you will kick yourself for years. Again, we turn to the Bible to explain.

Making the case that cannot be resisted with signs and wonders that cannot be denied.

These two verses collided in my spirit:

Luke 21: 15, “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.”

Acts 4:16 saying, “What shall we do to these men? For, indeed, that a notable miracle has been done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.”

One verse promises verbal wisdom. The other, supernatural proof. Living Proof.

That is when this phrase was born in my soul—a phrase that embodies our mission to America: Making the case that cannot be resisted with signs and wonders that cannot be denied.

Join us to see the beginning of something big. See it with your own eyes. Watch as the irresistible and the undeniable become a two-edged sword!

P.S. Calling for VOLUNTEERS to help at Batavia, western New York. We need 1200 volunteers to help us in BATAVIA to help with the new 19,000 sq ft tent, street work, praying at the altar, ushers, parking, and a brand new position “Intercessors”. People who will pray for salvations and miracles while the tent crusade is going on. Will you join us? Will you be one of the 1200 God is calling to Batavia to see Western New York radically impacted for the Gospel? This is the time to step up and see the kingdom advance.

Sign up here now…


The post IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


The Easter Morning sun rises on a devastated nation. The day that carries the best message mankind has ever heard, is greeted by scenes of chaos. Easter sees the cruel hand of government breaking the heart of patriots. Resurrection morning arrives to see America praising porn and even Disney parading perversion.

Easter 2022 witnesses America digging up her heroes from the very moral bottom of society—stifling truth, yet imposing lies on children. The morning sun finds mothers crying and the souls of the free and the brave sitting among the ashes in the prison yard of a ‘woke’ penitentiary.

In a prior blog, we investigated Mary Magdalene on the day Jesus died. Then we relived Peter’s agony on the day after Jesus died.

Now we get personal. We will talk about you, on this Easter Sunday Morning, in 2022.

You are trying to love God, raise your children, and eke out a life in this American Armageddon. And now the enemies of God have turned their weapons on the Church. They are hell-bent on driving Christianity out of our nation.

 I know you cannot imagine America coming back from this. But Easter Can!  

So, Easter stands up and boldly reminds you, “This is nothing new. It was like this the first Easter.” I know you cannot imagine America coming back from this. But Easter can! I know you cannot see a way for freedom, decency, justice, truth and love to pour down our streets like a river—but I can. The first time was total blackness and despair. Even those closest to Jesus could not imagine how resurrection power was about to turn the tables, flip the script, and deliver the blow to evil.

Easter, in 2022, is neither apologetic nor soft. Easter is acting like a general instilling courage into a beleaguered army.  Easter roars: “WE HAVE THE PROOF! AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!”

Easter is grabbing preachers by their lapels and shouting, “DON’T YOU DARE APOLOGIZE! I SAID WE HAVE THE PROOF—AND THE PROOF IS ALL THAT MATTERS!”

Easter is not an inspirational analogy.  It is not an anecdote to be preached in a wispy voice, reminding us, “The long winter will eventually give way to spring.”  That’s like talking about the atomic bomb as if it were a disposable lighter.

Today, our programs do not make Easter better.  The world can get better entertainment in many other places, under many other banners.  The idea that organizational-hype or stage-dazzle, can improve the resurrection, is pure foolishness.

On this day of all days, Easter demands we remember what separates the claims of Jesus from all religions on earth.

Easter is not polite. It is fire!  It is not about bunnies or eggs, and it has no place among the other harmless religious holidays.

On this day of all days, Easter demands we remember what separates the claims of Jesus from all religions on earth.

The difference is laid out in Acts 17:31, “For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the Man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising Him from the dead.”

The difference is that He has given proof.  The resurrection of Jesus is an imposing, unmatched event. It didn’t just happen; it is happening now.  Its evidence won’t go away. Its power never dissipated.  Its blast radius has yet to be measured.

Opposition only increases its power. The more man tries to bury the news of the Resurrection, the more it spreads.   Just when the enemies of the Cross feel secure in debunking Easter, some new wrinkle is found that pushes atheism back to square one.

Opposition only increases its power. The more man tries to bury the news of the Resurrection, the more it spreads.

The Resurrection rips away your excuses.  God has set a Day of Judgment—a day where everyone reading this, yea, every descendant of Adam, will stand before God to be judged.  And, He will do it with JUSTICE.

To do it with justice—to justify such a day, God would first commit an act—an act so undeniable it destroys every excuse for rejecting Christ.

Gospel preachers should never apologize at Easter.  They should proclaim!  The proof demands it!  It calls for all who hear to repent on the spot.  There is nothing to mull over or go home and think about.

The difference is the proof and the proof is the difference. That proof is why we know the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. That proof is why we raise our heads, because our redemption draws nigh.

And, because He is risen indeed, that proof is about to be seen as we cast off the lies and the threats, take up the weapons of God, and reclaim our nation!

The post EASTER ROARS OVER A DEVASTATED AMERICA appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


He screamed and he kept screaming until he could scream no more. Then he fell off a cliff into the abyss of broken souls. The force of his crash could have moved the earth. Fragments lay around him—the new and hideous replacements of his former self. Shame replaced love. Cowardice replaced faith. Fear drove out Hope to make room for the mocking predator. Worst of all, he saw his destiny plunge into a black hole of regret.

This is the day after Jesus died.

To survive, Peter became a robot. He went fishing. It’s what he was programmed to do. Peter went through the motions.  Avoiding feeling, suppressing every emotion.

The difference between Peter and Judas Iscariot is razor thin. The same fever of despair and regret raged in both of them. It drove Judas to suicide. Why didn’t Peter do what the other traitor did? It was because Jesus prayed for him.

Satan told Peter a lie. Peter not only believed that lie, he now embodied it. And, it is the same lie that Satan is telling America right now—the lie that all the good and important things are gone forever.

Whenever those who hate God and America try to enforce a change, they call it ‘THE NEW NORMAL.’ They sold us on ‘THE NEW NORMAL’ of abortion, same sex marriage, and godless education. Their latest excuse for seizing control is the coronavirus. Something to remember: ‘the new normal’ is always nothing other than the old abnormal, it is just disguised.

Memories tortured Peter. He tried to fight it with all his might, it was impossible not to relive those days. Two mistakes haunted him the most. Thinking he could save Jesus, he swung it at the head of the high priest’s servant, Malchus, who, fortunately had moved just in time, losing only an ear. But his greatest horror was his discovery that he was a coward. He denied Jesus three times. The rooster was still crowing in his spirit.

And, it is the same lie that Satan is telling America right now—the lie that all the good and important things are gone forever.

Peter is haunted by the day he met Jesus. He was minding his own business when Jesus interrupted his entire life. Fishing all night and caught nothing.   His hands are red and sore. Every muscle ached. He had nothing to show for a brutal night out on the water.

Then the strange Teacher said, “Let your nets down again for a catch.”  Peter half-heartedly did as he was asked, and the catch was so enormous it terrified him.  He begged Jesus to keep His distance, “I am a sinful man!” Peter cried. Instead of leaving Jesus spoke the eternal words “follow me and I will make you a fisher of men.” That was Peter’s destiny. That became he identity and reason for living. It is his destiny.

But Peter is now convinced—after his failure and denial—it is too late. He believes his destiny is lost forever. You must get that or lose the impact I what I will say next.

It’s dawn on Resurrection Sunday.  Peter couldn’t know that at that very moment, an angel was talking about him.  Mark 16:7, “But go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that (Jesus) is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He told to you.”  The angel added the words “and Peter.”  Why?  Because God knew Peter would have disqualified himself if the invitation was “for disciples only.”

The angel added the words “and Peter.”  Why?  Because God knew Peter would have disqualified himself if the invitation was “for disciples only.”

Peter demanded: “Are you certain the angel said my name?!” “Yes, the words were, “Tell the disciples, and Peter.”” At that moment, Peter rose from the dead. He knew he was not rejected. He knew the unmatched glory of a second chance.

Satan did all he could to destroy Peter. He knew this man would shake the gates of hell.  The first shaking came on the Day of Pentecost.  Wind and Fire transformed Peter.

The coward, who had denied his Lord three times is restored. Jesus  appeared to Peter, giving him three new chances to affirm his love. Jesus even provided a charcoal fire. It was by a charcoal fire that Peter failed. Peter is utterly transformed. He is now a lion carrying a devastating witness. He roared, “This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel!”

He is now a lion carrying a devastating witness. He roared, “This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel!”

In the days after Jesus died, evil exerted a crushing blow on the entire city. All the Christians hid in their homes behind locked doors, and it’s like that today. Satan wishes to crush our hopes and dreams. Evil men would sell us the lie that we must adapt to a grim, cold, and dark lesser vision of America, the church, and our futures.

Those who are marked by God are unstoppable. When the doors reopen for America, God will fully restore our destiny.

But there is one miracle that remains to be explored. Cutting off Malchus’ ear haunted Peter. But there was more to it than just healing an ear. Because, my friend, that night Jesus healed more than an ear—knowing the future, Jesus knew Peter must not be sitting on death row on the day of Pentecost. Jesus prayed “permit even this” and reattached the ear, in order to protect Peter’s destiny.

He is also guarding yours.









The post PETER ON THE DAY AFTER appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


One of the greatest cruelties—if not the greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene.  She was once sold on the streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession.  She knew the yawning blackness of total despair.

Then Jesus rescued her.  Jesus cast out seven vicious devils—devils she thought would never leave.  Once deemed human garbage, she is now redeemed and planted into a family of indescribable love.  Things would never be the same.  Her nights of remorse, her days of futility, her shame, her emptiness, were now all distant memories.

For three years she lived a life she could have never imagined, crisscrossing Judea, hanging on Jesus’ every word, weeping gloriously over every miracle.  Each morning, she awakened a more powerful and joyous woman of God!  She thought that this would go on forever.

Each morning, she awakened a more powerful and joyous woman of God!  She thought that this would go on forever.

People use the phrase “nothing could be worse…”  They use it before describing something unimaginably terrible.  I will use it this way: Nothing could be worse than to be in hell, and then taste heaven, only to return back to hell.

Then on that fateful Friday, it all went horribly, horribly wrong.  How could the One Who called the dead back to life and silenced a storm at sea, be arrested?  How could the One Who gave words of exquisite beauty, love and wisdom, be tortured and killed?  No one wanted to save Jesus more than Mary.  No one felt more horror and helplessness than she.

No one wanted to save Jesus more than Mary.  No one felt more horror and helplessness than she.

That night, profound hope had given way to even deeper bitterness and disappointment.  She must have thought, “If only I had never met Him.  If only He had left me to die in the streets.”  She slept only after exhaustion became more powerful than sorrow.   Too wounded to go on living, and perhaps too tired to commit suicide…

Mary is of special importance to me today, because her testimony is the best one I can think of as we commemorate this Good Friday, in such a dark time as the one we are living in.  Mary’s miracle is the miracle America needs now!

Here’s why: When the first shafts of Sunday morning light stirred her awake, she dreaded it.  If ever a heart was broken beyond repair—if ever a soul would rage against the approach of hope—if ever a woman just wanted to go back to sleep and never wake up, it was Mary.

That is why she was shocked when she felt an odd energy coming over her.  She soon felt an even stranger impulse—to go to the tomb where Jesus lay!  How could she return to the only spot on earth that could reopen her wound?

What overruled her despair?  What fuel was driving her so completely against her common sense and her broken heart? 

What overruled her despair?  What fuel was driving her so completely against her common sense and her broken heart?  Paul answers that emphatically! “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you” (Romans 8:11).

Do you know any therapist capable of rebuilding the ashes and rubble of her soul?  Can any drug, any teaching, any relationship, reassemble her heart the way the gentle but powerful Comforter could?

We all know about the power of the resurrection: it was the greatest display of power the universe has ever known; even greater than the alleged “big bang” that, theoretically, began the universe. The resurrection sent shock waves through the principalities and powers of darkness.  It shattered Satan’s power and stripped him of the keys of death and Hell (Rev. 1:8).  Jesus set the captives free in the bowels of the earth, and “led captivity captive” (Ephesians 4:8).

But, the first burst of resurrection power was much gentler. Mary was the first human to feel the power of the resurrection.  Her eyes, which were red and sore from sobbing, were now refreshed and clear.  Her arms which had hung limp from heartsick lethargy were now responsive, strong, and full of purpose. She sat up and found hope pumping through her veins. She wondered, “Why!”

A notion seized her, gently, but firmly.  She knew she was to go to the tomb, and she immediately got going!  Washing up, brushing her hair, and quickly getting dressed. All the while the expectancy of an indescribable ‘something’ was building in her soul.  Before she knew it, she was out the door, and charging toward her worst fear.  Only, now, she was not afraid.

She found the tomb vacant. Then she turned and saw Him whom her soul loved.  Many awesome things happened that Easter, but none more wonderful than Mary reunited with her Savior.

 She is the best testimony I can think of for our national dreams that have gone up in smoke. 

In the genetically altered, politically charged, drug addicted, violent purgatory that is America today, Mary Magdalene stands as a poignant figure.  She is the best testimony I can think of for our national dreams that have gone up in smoke.  Our culture has wearied itself with perversion…hunting down everything natural and replacing it with a disfigured counterfeit. It has marched, protested, and boycotted the very color and life out of everything—to the point that everything is a cause for taking offense.

What happened to Mary, is proof that there is nothing better than the Gospel.

America!  This is what you need!

“Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons” (Mark 16:9).

JESUS APPEARED FIRST TO MARY!  He had never forgotten her. He knew she was suffering the most, so He healed this precious soul first!

The post MARY MAGDALENE ON THE DAY JESUS DIED appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.



This is supposed to be a pleasant brunch. Instead, it is the most ferocious declaration of war I have ever witnessed.

One thousand leaders swarm here from all parts of New York.

We start at an hour early. There is joy and relief at every table as leaders meet other leaders who are like-hearted. Realizing they are not alone. Seeing that we are not a remnant, but a majority.

The tables are cleared. The worship is anointed. I begin preaching. My goal is to fire them up for our tent crusade in Batavia, New York, May 15-18. I have no idea how much bigger God’s plans are for this brunch than my plans.

One thousand leaders swarm here from all parts of New York.

My message is simple and direct. Jesus said, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35).

I told them, “There are always excuses for holding back soul-winning. There is always something to look at that will tell us, ‘people are not open’ and, ‘it is not yet time.’ But here on these grounds, you saw the impossible. Last October, thousands came in the rain. Not only that, they came in the rain night after night. There is a profound hunger for God in Western New York. So, what, if others do not want to bring in the harvest? We do, and we will! Don’t look at the news. Pay no attention to those who are in compromise. LOOK TO THE FIELDS!”

There is a profound hunger for God in Western New York.

These leaders look like they are about to explode. Something deep is inside these preachers, businessmen and women, educators, and politicians. It is intense frustration, divine indignation, and fervor.

Leftists locked them down. The media had lied about them and bullied them. Lukewarm Christian leaders had stymied them. Now their fierce passion is as hot and explosive as magma in a volcano.

THEN IT HAPPENED! They erupted. The fire of God fell. The Holy Spirit turned an audience into an army.

Yes, they were ignited for the tent crusade. But there is something far deeper happening here. Fear and hesitation have vanished. They are not just going to support the crusade—they are going to revolutionize their churches.

THEN IT HAPPENED! They erupted. The fire of God fell. The Holy Spirit turned an audience into an army.

Let me warn you right now. This same miracle is being duplicated across America. There is an army coming, and Heaven is coming with them!

1,000 pastors and leaders declared war—irrevocable war on Satan’s agenda for America.

Please join me in New York. Come, and you will see the greatest harvest of souls and miracles we have ever witnessed!  Click here to volunteer.

P.S. Calling for VOLUNTEERS to help at Batavia, western New York. We need 1200 volunteers to help us in BATAVIA to help with the new 19,000 sq ft tent, street work, praying at the altar, ushers, parking, and a brand new position “Intercessors”. People who will pray for salvations and miracles while the tent crusade is going on. Will you join us? Will you be one of the 1200 God is calling to Batavia to see Western New York radically impacted for the Gospel? This is the time to step up and see the kingdom advance.

Sign up here now…




What are you waiting for? Here are five reasons you can no longer wait for lukewarm Christians to wake up
All around you is the rumble of revival and reformation. An earthquake of American freedom. It beckons you!
But you are waiting. Every atom of your being screams for you to jump into the river that is healing America. All the cells of your body are vibrating with anticipation. But you hesitate. You are hoping your lukewarm friends and church will change.
The tide is turning. Millions are ready to cast off the yoke of the corruption of both Democrats and RINOs. Voices rise in schools, corporate headquarters, and in all the halls of power. Even leftist commentators and celebrities are defecting from the insane agenda of Biden.
Millions of Americans are yearning for a clear voice and a path back to freedom. You are one of those voices. Don’t waste it trying to convince the lukewarm.
Everywhere you look you see the preachers who are taking a stand. Their churches are growing. Their services radiate with the power of the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, lukewarm cathedrals wallow in a plugged up and contaminated creek of denial.
Here are 5 reasons you can no longer afford to wait.
1. Your lukewarm friends and church are stealing your joy and your hope for a new America. Every time you get around them they downplay your fervor. They question your involvement in ‘politics.’ They wear you out with their lame excuses that betray reality.
Their double standards are maddening. It drains you to hear them talk about how Trump hurt their feelings, but they have no feelings about your daughter sharing bathrooms and showers with males at school. They have no feeling for babies who were born alive, but who now can legally be set aside to die.
Stop letting them drain you! Get with the growing number who are pressing in for revival and freedom.

Stop letting them drain you! Get with the growing number who are pressing in for revival and freedom.

2. You will never change them. They are bent on self-preservation. Their mission is to keep their club alive. The Bible doesn’t matter to them. American History and the Constitution do not matter to them. The only thing that matters is to maintain their religious charade.
3. Jesus said to look to the fields. John 4:35, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
Pastors should not be looking at how their preaching might offend hypocrites. They should be looking to the fields. Christians should not be obsessing about babysitting high-maintenance believers. They should be looking to the fields.
In all of our crusades, there are far more converts than there are workers. We are inundated with souls being saved. Not only that, we have 10,000 registered for our two nights in Tulsa. We have 1,100 leaders registered for our Brunch today in Western New York.

Pastors should not be looking at how their preaching might offend hypocrites. They should be looking to the fields.


That’s just Mario Murillo Ministries. There are thousands more reporting conversions and miracles all over the nation. Look to the fields!
The compromised will tell you that your call to win souls is ‘divisive.’ But to choose to postpone soul winning for the sake of human unity is the most divisive thing you can do. Run to the harvest and dump the lukewarm spectators.
4. By staying back, you are choosing lukewarm Christians over your own children and grandchildren. I hope it doesn’t take this. But if your daughter comes home from school and she is devastated by what she saw in the high school showers—maybe then you’ll start fighting.
The Left is after your child. Nothing but revival and direct action will stop them. And when you stay out of politics, out of deference to tepid do-nothings, you are choosing them over your child and grandchild.
If you are not taking action against the moral threats that are coming against your family because you don’t want to rock the boat at your church, BE WARNED! The Bible has a severe opinion.
1 Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

And when you stay out of politics, out of deference to tepid do-nothings, you are choosing them over your child and grandchild.

5. The Bible tells you to turn away from lukewarm Christians. 2 Timothy 3:5, “For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].”
Now ask yourself, ‘Why does the Bible tell you to get away from them?’ It must be dangerous to hang out with them. They are draining, distracting, and disabling you from entering into revival and reformation.
Exit their presence, and run to the fire and glory!

Calling for VOLUNTEERS to help at Batavia, western New York. We need 1200 volunteers to help us in BATAVIA to help with the new 19,000 sq ft tent, street work, praying at the altar, ushers, parking, and a brand new position “Intercessors”. People who will pray for salvations and miracles while the tent crusade is going on. Will you join us? Will you be one of the 1200 God is calling to Batavia to see Western New York radically impacted for the Gospel? This is the time to step up and see the kingdom advance.

Sign up here now…





The post WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.

Make sure your decision about Disney final because their decision about you is final.

Disney parks are never, ever again going to refer to your children as boys or girls. Disney is not going to bow to moral pressure, no matter how intense it gets. No matter how far their stock price drops and regardless of how much business they lose. The die is cast for Disney.
The LGBTQ+ agenda of Disney is not a business model; it is an ideology. A Leftist ideology. The ideology that now drives Disney follows a classic pattern. It is a Kamikaze approach. It says, “We do not care if this does not work. We are committed to the agenda.”
Thomas Sowell said, “The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political Left is that they do not work. Therefore, we should not be surprised to find the Left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive.” Disney now believes its ideals do not have to work—they are going to double-down on them, regardless. It is not about surviving.

The LGBTQ+ agenda of Disney is not a business model; it is an ideology.

The Disney cult leaders believe they transcend other businesses. In their minds, The Walt Disney Company, dwells on a lofty plane of virtue that exempts them from marketing realities.
They are convinced they will never need another dollar from Christians, conservatives, or parents who are outraged. They believe that an alternate universe exists, where the people who share their ideology, will fund them: because ‘it is the right thing to do,’ and not because they provide the best available product.
They will not even bother to answer your valid questions about their toxic behavior. They have stated that they will fire anyone on their team who does not agree with their assault on children. It is classic Leftist behavior.

They are convinced they will never need another dollar from Christians, conservatives, or parents who are outraged.

Again, quoting Thomas Sowell, “In a sense, the political Left’s attempts to silence ideas they cannot, or will not, debate, are a confession of intellectual bankruptcy.”
The takeover of The Disney Company, like the takeover of our classrooms, was a coup planned long ago. What a prize! What a masterstroke for the side of evil—to take over our children and bring down our nation.
The nostalgia of a happy walk with their children down Disney Main Street, surrounded by patriotic themes is gone forever. Memory Lane has been plowed under. It has been paved over and turned into the road to perdition.
These facts leave you with a simple choice. You must make your decision to dump all things Disney a permanent choice. It cannot be based on emotion or on the false hope that your boycott will bring them to their senses. They have no senses. They have an ideology.
What will happen to the ideologues at Disney? If necessary, they will go down with the ship.
Make your decision about Disney final, because their decision about you is final.




The post Make sure your decision about Disney final because their decision about you is final. appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.

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