The meetings in Tulsa were too good. They forced us to make radical changes and decisions we thought were still years away.

It’s Friday Night, April 22, Tulsa Oklahoma:

The miracle crusade in the Mabee Center launched us into a totally new experience. The meeting was actually too good.

The line for admission began forming at 10:30 a.m. The doors opened two hours early.

The main auditorium was filled in 15 minutes. Then overflow rooms filled—one after another.

The total attendance reached 12,000. Then people were turned away.

They tell me that in two nights over 3,000 people came forward to surrender to Jesus.

They tell me that in two nights over 3,000 people came forward to surrender to Jesus. Only God knows the true number of souls saved.

The healings came in such abundance that we have no way of even estimating how many were healed.

How can a meeting be too good? It was too good for us to go on with business as usual. The shocking harvest of souls and unforeseen abundance of healings have forced me to make some radical decisions.

We are now overwhelmed with invitations to cities across America. These are desperate invitations. They are big invitations.

That means we cannot justify working in a city where we have to persuade churches to work together. Not while other cities are begging us to come and have joined forces because they burn with a passion to win souls.

It also means that we cannot do a conference where they want teaching, but are not willing to go and get the harvest.

This also means something else that is big and new. Some of the open doors will require a bigger venue than our tent. We now know that God is ready to fill arenas—and, even more than arenas.

Here are the words of Jesus, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35).


We assumed that the results that have fallen on us would not come for years. And yet, here they are.

We have been planning based on what we have seen in the past. We assumed that the results that have fallen on us would not come for years. And yet, here they are. They are forcing us to throw our plans aside and make way for a massive harvest. What does it mean? It means the future is now.

But why has this happened at this time? It has happened because America is in dire straits. Our nation teeters on the edge of total disaster. God is pulling out all of the stops to harvest lost souls and heal sick bodies. We dare not get in His way!

The biggest implication of this event in Tulsa is radical change. The clear message here is “don’t wait.”

For the next few days, I will be deep in prayer. I am already aware that some of my decisions will offend some people…maybe even those are near and dear to me. But I must pay the price, because Tulsa was just too good for us to hold back now.

You will be hearing my decisions in the next few days.



The post WHEN A CRUSADE IS ACTUALLY TOO GOOD appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.

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1 comment

  1. Jo Ellard says:

    I am a resident of WNY. I am a 2x widowed former pastors wife. As I sat in church listening to my husbands sermons I INVARIABLY would burst into tears during each sermon. Having no idea why I was so grieved, I joined a prayer group to help me sort through. Then God gave me some vivid dreams -one represented a boiling cauldron reaching the top of the vaulted church ceiling, from the chancel steps, waiting for the materials to be refined into gold. There were only a few pieces floating….. Most folks walked gingerly around the outside. They would fuel the fire, but that was it.
    Then there was the assault on the pastorate. “There’s not enough money coming in It must be something you are doing wrong”.
    “Why don’t you ask for money from the pulpit?” Too much gospel, not enough solicitation….. I don’t remember Jesus asking for money, funny! Those wonderful strong members who were pillars of the church, had no issue with the pastor.
    I almost understood why other pastors wives warned against going to NY. But not until now, 40 yrs later do I understand better
    the extant evil I find here now. I have lived in Az and NC in the interim and find no other place where so many are resistant to hearing the unadulterated word of God and who have “refused to hear His voice and who refuse to seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.”
    God asked me to leave my last post here as Minister of music, the Sunday the new pastor ushered in the NY mandates AND the baphomet stood directly behind her. I was the only one who did not wear a mask. No explanation, no apology, no discussion. For 2 years I was the only singing voice heard in that church-chilling.
    I was at that Batavia meeting (an extremely wet experience) hoping and praying that it would serve as a new start for NY Christians. In my disappointment I have sought out various worshipful experiences on line. No replacement for a fellowship. I continue to seek answers from God.
    I am assuming the Church bodies in charge of directing the parishes are all receiving money from the men with small hats ( if the parishes follow their directives). Money seems to be very important here, so far away from the big city. I’m guessing it’s a NY thing !!!!!!!

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