The Gospel is Preached in Phoenix

Although Mario has already had several meetings this year, tonight in Phoenix was the first night in the Tent for 2024. We have all been greatly anticipating this one. We could hardly wait to see the miracles God is going to do. And the first night did not disappoint.

The Tent was full of people expecting to meet God— and He was there!

Catherine Mullins was fired up and ready to lead the people in worship. It was a wonderful time as we joined together in God’s presence to praise him.

When Mario took the stage, God was already moving in the Tent. Mario began by announcing, “I am about to preach the Gospel!” and the people cheered in response.

He said everyone would see three things happen tonight: first, people will stand, walk to the front, and receive Christ; second, there will be healings of peoples’ bodies; third, revival will break out in the churches.

Mario had the people open their Bible to Luke 23 and read, “Two others, both criminals, were led out to be executed with him. When they came to a place called ‘The Skull,’ they nailed Him to the cross. And the criminals were also crucified—one on His right and one on His left ” Luke 23:32-33 (NLT).

“One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So You’re the Messiah, are You? Prove it by saving Yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!” But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this Man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with Me in paradise”” (Luke 23:39-43 NLT).

Mario asked what Christ’s most severe warning about the last days is. He said, “It is to not be fooled.” He said it’s possible for you to be the victim of a lie that you don’t even know has taken control of your life. Then you don’t know your true condition.

He said that we know and understand there is evil in the world. God said to look at the thieves on the cross and understand that they represent Americans in 2024.

Neither thief was in any condition to hear the Gospel. They had been on death row when Christ was preaching and performing miracles. They had never heard Him nor had they seen Him.

“Many of you really believe you are in no condition to hear a man tell you about God. You are thinking, “My situation is too severe, if there was a real God none of these things would have happened.””

Mario then asked how was it possible that one of the thieves is blaspheming and the other, looking at the same Jesus, had the opposite reaction.

It’s because neither life nor circumstance determines the person you’re going to become. The choices you make in those circumstances decide who you are going to become.

The thieves were in no condition to hear the Gospel, but that didn’t change the Gospel. Just because you have encountered a crooked preacher, that doesn’t end the story of the Bible. It doesn’t change the Word of God, the resurrection, or the proofs of God’s goodness.

Mario said the lie of modern preaching is, ‘Don’t look at what your choices are making you into. Don’t realize you are at fault, blame someone else.”

He said that what you have been through does not change the Gospel. And, that no one wants to diminish or cheapen your suffering, but you can’t allow what you have experienced to lie to you about what you need to do next.

Mario said, “If you listened to modern sermons, you would think the Gospel is so weak and powerless and disinteresting that preachers have to use stunts, gimmicks, and fake things, and even cancel our morals in order to preach it. But the Gospel stands on its own. It has the power to change you.”

The difference between you and the thief who believed in Jesus, is that the grace of God is going to allow you to live out your new life here, on the Earth. Your next breath is not going to be in heaven, but here and now.

Mario called for people who had never made God their King to respond, raise their hands, stand, and come to the front of the Tent. As we have seen so often, the front of the Tent was soon filled with people coming to receive salvation! All glory to God!

After he prayed with them, Mario had the people go outside the Tent where they were ministered to briefly by our amazing army of volunteers. I always love heading outside the Tent with them, in order to see the line of workers who are standing and waiting to receive our new brothers and sisters!

Then Mario asked those who were still in the Tent to raise their hands and pray to the Lord for the seed of the Gospel to result in a true conversion, not a false or temporary one.

Mario then said he was asking God to heal the sick. Then he pointed to one side of the Tent and said there was a woman who has been battling diabetes, pain in the spine, and constricted lungs.

As the new converts began to return to their seats, Mario preached a brief message from Acts chapter 8 about how, when Philip went down to Samaria, demons were cast out, the lame were healed, and there was great joy in the city.

At that point there was a marked shift in the atmosphere and the Spirit of God began to move. Mario pointed to one side and highlighted someone who’d had an auto accident which had injured his neck, shoulders, back, jaw, and ribs. The man responded, stood, put his hands the into the air and began to move his body freely and without pain. He could turn his neck, his back, his arms. it was an awesome sight to see!

Then he pointed out a woman in the adjacent section and revealed that there were five areas in her body being healed: blood, feet, spine, heart, and pancreas. She began to jump and dance as God touched and restored her body.

Next he pointed to the other side of the Tent, but paused then, and said there was so much healing happening, he needed everyone who wanted healing to raise their hands. And God healed bodies all over the Tent.

He then pointed out a woman and had her put her hand on her forehead, and she was healed. Mario then called out another man and had people lay hands on him.

A woman with diabetes was healed, and additionally, Mario told her that a second illness that had been causing her great pain was gone. As the pain left, she began to dance and then to run across the front of the Tent.

Next he pointed out several other conditions: a growth in the throat; then a heart condition.

Mario then called out an elderly gentleman in the audience who was being healed, stating that this was a “creative miracle.” God revealed to Mario that this man is a man of God who has taught and founded ministries. The man, he said, had so given his life for the Gospel that it had begun to break his health.

As a token of his service to Christ, Mario said that God is giving him a new body. As everyone cheered, the man began to stand and then to straighten and unfold his body. He began to move his legs freely and to stand up straight and began to dance.

Next, Mario had the man’s wife stand to her feet, and told her she also was being healed in her ears, healed of arthritis, pain in an ankle, and a hip injury.

It was an amazing night in the presence of God. It was an awesome way to kick off the first night of meetings in the Tent. God is doing miraculous and amazing things, and you don’t want to miss what He is doing!

If you can, I would urge you to come to the remaining events. There will be three more days and nights: Monday through Wednesday, (4/22 – 4/24) at 6:30 PM, at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. There will be free parking, free seats, and the Tent is air conditioned.

Come see for yourself what God is doing. And if you want the full experience, bring your family, your friends, and especially your unsaved friends, with you!

The post The Gospel is Preached in Phoenix appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.

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